Social Sciences

Three Minute Thesis Competition is becoming a new CHC tradition

ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES - Alex Staben, a senior majoring in Spanish and environmental studies, took second place and a $500 prize. Her presentation – “Active Travel to School: Analyzing Barriers and Finding Solutions for Students of River Road/El Camino del Río Elementary in Eugene” – focused on the disparities faced by some schools in finding safe walking and biking pathways to school.

PhD student awarded prestigious fellowship

SOCIOLOGY - Jamie Yang (Wenyi), a sociology PhD student, has been recommended for the CSWS Jane Grant Award for "A Queer Quantitative Inquiry: Sexual Injustices and Social Contexts." The prestigious Jane Grant Dissertation Fellowship, honoring Jane Grant—early feminist and wife of CSWS’s benefactor William Harris—is given annually to an outstanding scholar writing a dissertation on women and gender.

Congratulations to WGSS Professor Yvette Saavedra for 2024 Antonia I. Castaneda Prize

WOMEN'S, GENDER AND SEXUALITY STUDIES - Yvette Saavedra, an associate professor in the College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, has been awarded the 2024 Antonia I. Castañeda Prize for her article “Speaking for Themselves: Rancheras and Respectability in Mexican California, 1800-1850,” by the National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies.

Prof will discuss climate deniers and political beliefs

INDIGENOUS, RACE, AND ETHNIC STUDIES - Laura Pulido will deliver this year's Oregon Humanities Center's Clark Lecture, "'Surplus' White Nationalism and GOP Climate Obstruction," 4 p.m. Thursday, April 4, in the Knight Library Browsing Room. Pulido will focus on three historical moments to analyze how the relationship between U.S. white nationalism and the Republican Party has contributed to climate denial and obstruction on climate progress. Pulido is the Collins Chair and professor of Indigenous, race and ethnic studies and geography.

How mental health approaches can be more inclusive in India

GLOBAL HEALTH, GLOBAL STUDIES - Associate Professor Jo Weaver published research in the December 2023 issue of SSM-Mental Health that examines the mental health needs of women in India. Because of the gaps in mental health care that emerge from cultural mismatch, Weaver and her research team urge health workers to prioritize culturally informed methods of distress management and address the social and structural causes of suffering rather than delivering standardized clinical mental healthcare.